Hey guys gonna be doing a bees interview on the fall of nadota



I’m a little more than friends with some members of the band, if you know what I’m saying

this is the band ewiz is talking about

But you don't QED.

@big_ass change your avatar to something else you fucking troll.


Q sent something regarding J earlier in the month. Can you confirm or deny the allegations?

little known fact, “J” died in a synagogue shooting a few weeks ago.

A few of them did you fuck

Should #Plasma resurrect itself?


Me too. Please escape the dungeons, Lord Barnyyy, and collect our Twitch tributes. I yearn for the rush of your heavy commentary again, even if just for one fleeting moment.


worst hit nadota took was early 2015-2016. declined in quality fast

Worst hit nadota ever took was the day i joined

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nadota was lit.

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cmon dood

wow i feel personally attacked by this exclusion