is lbj trying to entrap me with thay question
Also why does everyone here have different names can’t u just use the previous one like a normal person
is lbj trying to entrap me with thay question
Also why does everyone here have different names can’t u just use the previous one like a normal person
I was previously permabanned under my former name, you’re asking to make it easier for me to persecuted? Ok big brother !
New site new ME
who the fuck are U
go back to whence you came from
come find me posting up in the flatsix discord ready to throw haymakers
ahahaha it’s the flatsix dota discord
dumb fucking moron crying about OP heroes when he gets killed
There's literally no difference between that and sitting in teamspeak playing dota with 6 ■■■■■■■■■■■■ s
you’re completely wrong; I for one do not have a microphone.
I watched for 3 minutes and in that time Pepper pronounced 2 different twitch emojis out loud in the course of his conversation/constant voice chat blog whine
which one is Pepper???
and there are still people who believe Dendi was lying about the flatsix discord
Pepper is the ■■■■■■■■■■■■
the one constantly talking
incidentally in the 1 game i played with ■■■■■■■■■■■■ he did the exact same thing:
-pick juggernaut (slug brain reddit character)
-play bad
-use voice chat to provide constant updates on which heroes of the other team are currently "so unfair and busted"
chris xXx electrowizard games
can we get chris x electrowizard xx pepper xxx flatsix going
I am in queue.
what hero should I play??
if your video game community doesnt have teenagers in it you might all be virgens
thats all im sayign