I believe he said DELETE the account, not disable . Tick tock

I've been struggling in 2v2's on nomad which is usually my go to. I pick persians and play pretty heavy water to secure my teammates fish boom as he fast castles but I think I may be overcommitting on water leaving my castle time too late and getting swamped by knights. My teammate is usually able to compensate and gimp one of them but I'm left kind of stranded in feudal for too long and become a liability and end up just slinging him res for most of the game. Probably need to get better scouting early on to get up effective walls but it's tough when you're going 2 persian dock fire galley production I have no res left over for any land army after vill production. Maybe lithuanians or malians would just be more consistent but I've always had a soft spot for persians ever since AoK