I bought a house

can I hook up a pc in your attic and just live up there for free as I shit post constantly and play games of dota all night. I’ll be sleeping during the day so you won’t even know I’m there, I just need a coffee mug, a kettle, access to your shower once every 3 days or so, and access to your laundry facilities once every 2 or 3 weeks as I rarely change clothes

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I may rarely leave to buy stuff to make tacos Which you’re free to help yourself to if I make. I also sometimes make vodka sauce pasta but that’s fairly rare, a majority of the time I’ll be eating either microwave burritos or ordering dominos pizza


Sorry I need access to your microwave as well

Do people pay their neighbor's children to mow their grass for them in Sweden like they do here?

I can pay you rent infrequently, I may have some relatives who will be dying soon so if they croak I’ll be able to pay you rent

seriously, this is a dream of mine and I would love to include you in on my dream

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the house owners here absolutely love mowing the lawn themselves, unnecessarily often too

Hmm that's weird, half the reason people even have children in the United States is a cheap source of grass cutting labor.

Just ask @jones

the amount of upper middle class people seemingly devoting all of their free time to cutting grass is baffling

keeping it more tidy than the neighbor and trying to remain humble, down to earth

Kapten Robert: Yes !!!!!!!1 I finally have my house. I told myself life would all be uphill once i got my house and now im finally here! i cant wait to see what the future has in store for me! ahh.. feels good on to have a propert of my own for once

Kapt Robt in 2 weeks time: I want to play minecraft!!!!!!! i want to waste my pathetic sad life on minecraft stoneblock mod!!!! why didnt life get better when i got my house!!!!!!!! welp .. guess this is relaly the end. bon reviour - alls well that ended well. I thought a house would fix my life but the problem wasnt my accomodation - it was me and permanent damage scarred onto me.


nice yu-gi-oh tattoo

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robert umad?

what u think of my new stache

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nice snapchat filter

It looks great! I have no doubt your topiaries will be equally well groomed!

Excuse me?

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you're better looking than me :(

ive been growing some facial hair too if your interested

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