I bought a house

i got ip banned on puzzle pirates for putting in my birthday as 2017

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im more devastated than when @nyte left me holy shit

Puzzle pirates always pretty fucking cool not gonna lie

it’s cool how you could like get a job on another players ship and be practicing for your wage slave future as a child

when i was 12 i frequently stole my fathers credit card to buy puzzle pirate bucks and sat up all night playing poker

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We prefer to call it building equity

Discourse creator's attitudes about privacy

that lawn needs a medium to large sized good dog to run around and catch frisbies.

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That's dope. Congrats man.

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Wow, wish i could buy a house...

4 reno, I suggest you dump your capital into renewable technologies (solar, air tightness, extra insulation, etc) first if you are interested in that kind of stuff.

get those suckers paying you back asap

this thread is going places

If yns can stay in the attic can I get the basement I’ll make rent but don’t ask where it comes from

Its a nice house but its smaller than mine and doesnt have any trampolines or pools.

I broke my elbow on a trampoline

didnt work out very well last time

i almost broke my elbow on a trampoline

I just bought a blouse


i got mad women’s sweaters second hand they fit well

Solar camping generator. Thats a whole solar panel and battery system.
Charge your phone, laptop, power some LED lights with it. You will start saving immediately. EZ set up

LED bulbs good

See if you can double ur roof insulation. Savings again immediate.

Those foam strips with a sticky side for all your doors, and windows. Also caulk in any holes going through the main facade. Usually where pipes go in. Plug those.

If your basement is not finished, get yourself some aluminium tape stuff, for the furnace and air ducts. Tape off each time there is a seam all around (air escapes those joints as its pushed through the home.) Furthermore the floor vents, take that off and tape around where the duct and floor are, air escapes under the floor seems. All this saves you pennies. Everything here saves pennies that add up.

Fill water bottles with sand or stones and put them in your toilet water tanks, that will save some pennies on water.

Hot water heater insulation kit from home depot, self explanatory. EZ to install. Holds heat longer and takes less time to heat up the tank.

Plastic power plugs. Those plastic plugs you use to cover for child protection. That covers those holes to stop energy escaping there.

Trombe wall, you can build one yourself from big tupperwear containers. Stack them infront a sunny window filled with water, they will absorb that heat and make the room cooler. Passive cooling, no AC. Easily removable in winter.

That oil heater sounds pretty bad the way you described it. Might want to look into that first.

then quail and tomatoes and other veggies and then you live like king. Make your own beer. Beehive. Bathouse for mosquito

Rain water barrels to water your lawn. More pennies and quarters there.

also might wanna check on if you have a woman trying to baby trap you. That could cost a lot down the road.


that is...impressive

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