i came back to mm after 2 years today


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I mean he does have 3k games recorded and a 42% winrate or something that abysmal sounding

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Thatā€™s not true.

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ā€œGlorifiedā€¦? U mean ur not agreeing with me mr epok GOD!!!ā€

What? I was just wondering what he meant by that, as the word doesnā€™t make sense in that context.

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Iā€™m gonna sit here and enjoy this hopefully epok handles ur dumb fuckin ass this time lmao

Like of course a fucking land lord is this sad all the time why did this fact take so long to come out LMAO

Cmon buddy weee all waiting for a response eagerly!

Epok and I are very close friends - you are just being the Pitiful creature you always were again. I am not doubting that you will learn in due time, itā€™s just the fact that you refuse to learn will make the process much slower.

Or do I build another combo breakerā€¦ weā€™re already at like 6ā€¦

Ah there we go

Lmfao imagine being this unable of handling defeat or being turned down

Ur like an actual real life genuine incel

Iā€™m not an incel - I donā€™t think you know what that word means.

Ur basically repeating itself now about how dumb I am and how super smart u are

How boring man is this how ur gonna go out and be remembered? Lmao just fucking apologize for once in your life you sad sad little man

What defeat? You keep repeating these same phrases like some comedic caricature - ā€œdefeatā€, ā€œbrick wallā€, ā€œtrumpā€. What do you even mean?
Your words have no meaning, youā€™re just saying words.


Well epoks been here this whole convo hopefully the hammer is a comin

Careful man heā€™s winding up!!! :0