i came back to mm after 2 years today

Jesus Christ ROFL well that’s a solid nugget of lore I wasn’t aware of ty very much las

Lad lol damn autocorrect

Tbh I just love how many ways there are for me to prove I’m not a nobody in dota but whatever I’m glad things have gone the way they have tbh super glad

I reversed it some days ago just incase he ever feels like publicly flexing on deepthroat the virgewiz so back to 0 banned

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LMAO excellent

You keep typing “Lmao” and “Rofl” but nothing being said here is really funny and you’re not laughing.

Lordy lord here’s my boy

Hey Man U seem bored how is ur day going? Slow one? :slight_smile:

Lmfao it’s like straight up satire at this point

I refuse to believe ur being earnest still after all that’s transpired

My day has been going great - going to sleep soon with nothing to worry about,

Hahaha u even went into slow dives thread cuz I posted there man

Ur like almost at the level of obsession here

No, I go into every thread.


Hes a glorified landlord hes got all the time in the world to harass Americans and probably gets paid for it too

To soak up as much knowledge as possible for ur melon of a brain I’m sure

There’s no “earnesty” in facts - I am not stating Opinions here.


Kk this all makes sense Carry on