i came back to mm after 2 years today

my jumper had a tiny bit of sidespin back i nthe day monkaS

but ya i type like this in short bits or random thoughts or whatever

if its a random thought like gym stuff or if some fuckign cretin smelly european twitch chatter is being annoying again - which i am currently documentign 4Head

like i could literally do this for hours
just by acting like im as good at dota as i am

theres a serious god damn problem with mental illness in this country and especially in this community

and i ufckign know exactly why it happens cuz ive lived it lierally entirely

sooooooooooooooooooo yeah carry on cereal stuff i love me a late night cereal - just been proving a point the last hour or so

http://prntscr.com/mian7p bonus pic of the chat afterwords when ToT spends literally 20 seconds asking them a meme question or some other nonsensical garbage. and people wonder where the term NPC came from like it sounds hyperbolic but a fair 10-15% of our population genuinely behave like fuckign NPC humans that only believe what they get told and never try to branch out or try anything new or remotely uncomfortable and again spend like 12+ hours a day sitting around their house watching the office for the 700th time which ya super not weird at all guys its a good show but holy fuck live an actual life not a fuckign sitcom ur not jim waiting for ur pam or vice versa fucking sieze the moment try something you think you will like a fucking go for it. if it doesnt work then go from there just like u do in dota and in life. thank u :blush:

stop using lightshot just use win-shift-s and then paste directly

last small thing - definitely stealing the term “dota blog” for the record fwiw Xd

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this websites great and whoever runs the mechanics of it should be proud :blush:

eh yea i know but this is faster/more similar to work for me so meh w.e

the lightshot embeds so ugly compared to a direct embed tho

i gotta click through and shit to see what the screenshots consist of

yeah its definitely painful i dont disagree ROFL could be improved for sure! :slight_smile:

so im in a “”“battle of wits”"" in another thread

wanna ooga booga sum more combo is at uhhhhh 19 right now well say