i came back to mm after 2 years today

that serve no fucking purpose

or gvt/private job positionms that make 6k figures with benfits that have a title like

“Chief HR Diversity Officer”

for the record, in that fucking mess of a department, in an old run down building - beaause its not needed anymore

that is literally just generic office space and of no use to regular capital ongoings


the whole mother fuckijng gigantic air conditioned/white noise fucking prima donna useless expensive bullshit fucking decorations they dont need

so, while i do enjoy many things about washington, like an insane amount of things actually

working for the state government in a customer service role

again isnt all that bad, super cushy dont wanna whine

but fuck it was just soul crushing how time consuming and inefficient everything was still operating at while still not fucking doing a god damn useful fucking thing on this fucking planet

How’re u doing man

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infact, most of the roles and like, punishments available to that department (like real literal legal action AKA liens or ARB reports

are literally illegal now ROFL

im great dude how was ur day? :slight_smile:

It was great. I played some chess with a friend after work. Getting better quickly. Decided to schedule a tournament almost every weekend. I like the Seattle Chess guys

also just for posterity if anyone wants to know the way i type or why its so fast aka 120+ wpmif im warmed up

basically i dont do home row i do some weird shit with my fingers and im p sure its why theyre so crooked ROFL