i came back to mm after 2 years today

yeah but nightstalker def aint a lanewinner. ck/ursa/sven/furion all that shit is

i c

i thought maybe nightstalker got reworked into big laner man

ive been told hes gr8 now

Heā€™s pretty horrible during the day. They put even more into his night presence but gave him a really good ult. Heā€™s more mid game than lanes

i dont see the night stalker hype tbh but i could be wrong

thanks for carrying the thread for the meantime samuel ive still got a million things going on rn

Good on you for taking care of yourself first dude. Youll be a force of nature with that mental clarity and dotability :smile:

Appreciate that and sorry for any problems I caused - wasnā€™t exactly myself. If anyone cares Iā€™m looking for things to be all lined up by the end of the month or so

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There will be much dumbass core player slaying and replay analysis and commentary and such to come :slight_smile:

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Even resident thread saver but dumbass core player noblewingz wonā€™t be safe

@lokimafialolhaha you should stream and play the new hero Mars. I would watch.

Would love to my man but gotta get life stuff all taken care of before I do this undertaking

I already really really like streaming but I donā€™t want it to come at a cost to my personal life

He sounds like the exact type of hero Iā€™d play too feelsfuckinbadman

Dw heā€™ll still be there when youā€™re ready to play again


Ye but why is your fucking title still that ( huh @SOPHIE? )

If it really bothers you he can change it I understand the importance a name carries

Either way itā€™s no big deal to me :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s a much better title.

I can dig it