i came back to mm after 2 years today

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

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Hey just fyi any dota discussion by anyone is cool I wanna encourage that in this thread - yes including wintercunt - also I got a bit of a delay should be home tomorrow and streaming 100% by this weekend

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Small refresher I do lots of commentary especially on top-level support and offlane gameplay such as timings smoke movements obs placement ganking pushing lanes properly etc that sort of stuff

well we can start easy

what supports kick ass in 7.21e that aren’t obvious things like ogre or dazzle

& what items are you building

also any new Tite ward spots, i been out the supp game a while and im mostly guessing or trying to emulate good supports when i pop stuff down.

enigma 4 is broken if you consider that a support

chen, cm, lion, brewmaster, oracle, undying are probably the best 5s atm. tree might be really broken too but we havent tested him enough

brewmaster 5?

ya its really strong, it gives you nice teamfight outta your 5 and paired with some of the range safelanes its really nice. all it needs is 6 and its useful, doesnt need items or anything

what about pos 3/4 now?

Also do you guys rush Midas on your 3?

do you mean for brew? or heroes in generally. brews a solid 3

Heroes in general and do you build Midas on your 3s?

oh, uhh it depends. some offlaners like CK and stuff that have insane laning but lack scale go midas. if your a 3 and dont have a shit ton of teamfight and need to scale midas is pretty good. CK/DOom are prime examples, but if you have timings like beast or big teamfight that needs shit like tide its better to skip

the best 3s right now are dark seer, ck, doom, ursa, sven, tide, NP, (omni might be good), but a lot of these are good because they are versatile so not that good for pubs

like you can pick CK/Sven/Ursa and run them as like 1-2-3-4-5 or whatever

and the 4 pool is dope, Kotl, Phoenix, Ursa, Earth Spirit, ET, Enigma, Riki you can do a bunch of different shit with 4s this patch

riki might be a meme it pwned in one of the games at ESL but our scrims against NA teams where they pick riki to counter our enigma never work

sweet thanks for the insight

arent pubs won by lane winners rn, dont u just pick nightstalkers/furions offlane etc

thats what ive gathered from starting to watch streams/dota again this past week at least

Yeah im no expert but it seems like winning your lane super hard means your carry gets all that sweet deny gold and xp towards some prolly ridiculous talents so being ahead is way more adventageous now. And having map control means that you can also grab all the bounties and cement your lead even more