I can't stop eating white castle

I have never been brave enough to get a triple baconator

I've never finished one in a single sitting.
Buy one for lunch, and finish it at dinner.


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Post the original notes

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Had a thought. What if i dont bring means of payment to school. Then i cant buy white castle

Just quit cigs this way

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I also replaced cigarettes with packs that had like 3x the nicotine. Maybe you can replace white castle with something really bad too

those patches absolutely fucked me up when i tried them. i was quitting weed at the same time and my dreams were so bad i would wake up dripping sweat multiple times a night

worse than white castle though? :joy:

Didnt eat white castle today. Actually have energy

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hamburger helper gang :muscle:

Going for tacos for less carbs

Im just going to become one of those vegan chicks who hardly eats anything so that i dont get brain fog

tacos are a good compromise for fast and easy food

malnutrition is worse for your brain though

What is not nutritious about tacos

that was @ becoming a vegan chick and starving yourself to avoid brain fog


just eat bread and pierogis then take supplements and meth to keep the brain going

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