Ian Mafia 3

game shouldnt really count anyways cause asoul wasnt trying to actually play it so whatever

but yeah i was scum so rehost or whatever

Holy shit klaze is owning

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How are you this bad faz he just pocketed you twice

you are bad for thinking klaze has anything to do with winning both games. it was you who lost them lol

plus it was clear instructions by host to bold lynches

so technically i wasn't actually "ending the game with a cross vote" I just just "baiting"

We need to keep rolling and playing games until we get one where I am scum so you guys can finally have a decent game

Good job klaze

I'll do another

I got another PM. Not saying which it is

Roles sent u have 2 hours

I'm just calling it right now. Faz is scum

@mafiabot lynch faz

@mafiabot unlynch

i am either luckiest or unluckiest person in this game

How so?

im still wondering how i would play this game as scum but im stuck just reading between two of you

@mafiabot lynch jenanda_bollywood

@mafiabot unlynch