Yns only dates Chinese girls whose understanding of the English culture and language is so low they can't tell they should be afraid of him, like my dad who married a Thai girl for her green card :vb-frown:
It’s true. Nobody dates me either
Why do girls tell you they'll be ready a full 30 minutes before they actually are?
Every fucking time I'm stuck waiting for her to finish deep scrubbing herself in the shower or doing a 7 part facial cleansing routine. Just give me an accurate time estimation please!
"Ill be ready in 20 minutes"
"Alright I'll be there in an hour"
Cuz u suck lol
My girlfriend: browsing Reddit on Reddit is Fun, on her front page where she is subscribed to /r/memes and /r/adviceanimals.
Me: browsing Reddit on desktop view and old mode, zooming into all posts to click the comments on /r/all
Should be 750. Come on dude dont downplay the fact that you aint balling in your credit score like you "aint really trying" there.
I can see why yns always tries to play comedian because he's super cringe when being serious hahaha!
Just read the thread. Well played jones; couldn't of baited them better if I tried!
It just dropped from 763 last time I checked because I leased a fucking car lmao cmon
I dropped 22 points and I bought a house, a car, and opened lowes credit card.
and in 3 months it will go back up cause average age of my credit will go back up above 6 years. it is at 5 yes and 10 months now.
I guess it isn't as important to have amazing credit score when you are balling out of your mind since you pay cash for nearly everything
I probably have the worst credit on the forum lol
Just try to get to 750 when you are ready to buy a house
My plan is to build a house piecemeal with cash living in a neighboring trailer
whomst unbanned me
i'm not going to say i told you say
i AM going to say that 90% of you have insane views on relationships, women, and people in general