Imagine being retarded enough

Kyle owes me an apology

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Imagine being retarded enough to think that a) jones is only roleplaying b) that being cool and edgy is more important than talking about the real issues that are getting tossed around with real feelings, even in a cOoL FoRuM like nAmAfIA, where the posters are so masculine and tough, ain’t nobody ever been scared or lonely.

Talk shit get hit
On the internet
Haha I’m hella funny and I don’t give a fuck as fuck haters
Said everyone here who didn’t take harassment seriously

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Just keep ignoring him dude what are you doing

i'm sorry friend.

Yes because you all have done a stellar job with things

Fucking unreal

I vehemently argued against Jones for what he was doing to you. I don't know what you mean by "you people" - I'm not a moderator and I don't know how you expect any person on a random forum to convince a mentally unstable person to change, especially when being backlit by a bunch of other weird ass people. Blame epok or slowdive not me

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My eyes are just bleeding right now

I’m not going to blame you for jones
And I understand what you were trying to do/say

Except when you jump in and smear your stupid kittens and nyte shit in the same thread

Fuck you

have you ever thought about calling his father nyte?

Go sit in traffic kid

You have the worst fucking takes and I’m sure enough is intentional and I’m also sure enough is sadly genuine and that’s just depressing

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You don’t know me or where I came from bitch how dare you judge me like that

Go make a thread about threads and just unload



I don't think I can be blamed for thinking he was just trying to be funny

He was definitely trying to be funny at a minimum

I’ve read enough of your own renditions of your life that I feel justified to make some standard judgements. Also the words you type. They suck a lot of the time.

I don’t know why you chose to have this big front even on a website like this, but you do

Look how big and red he is :full_moon_with_face:

how very jones like of you