Jdance Academic Buttering Blog Thread (Dont click if you dont like the pursuit of education)

Even the ancient Greeks were interested in regular meshes. In particular, they knew that there
are only five genus-zero polyhedra where all faces have the same number of sides, and the same
number of faces meet at every vertex. These polyhedra are the Platonic solids: the tetrahedron,
icosahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and cube. Show that this list is indeed exhaustive. Hint:
you do not need to use any facts about lengths or angles; just connectivity.

Yeah I'm going to start posting leetcode solutions in this thread to troll.


def cos(x):
while (x**(2n))/fact(2n) > 10**-6:
r+=( ((-1)n) *((x)(2n))/(fact(2n)) )
return r

I dont get it

Ive decided to pursue a financial actuarial position

My risk management is to yolo everything into algorand and post see no evil emojis


Physics exam finished in 25/55 allocated minutes



Professor said rotational motion is the hardest part of the class but it basically feels like translational motion to me

like this was a normal homework question on translational motion and now I feel like he's had students struggle on rotational so much he just makes the questions easier to compensate

very simple..


Here for the day.

I want to suck a cock so bad

On my quest to be the best in my state at mental arithmetic. (I assume once you get good enough it starts showing national rankings also - the state ranking didn't appear until I was pretty low on local rating)

A little slow today because I only slept 6 hours but I will make up for it with speed tomorrow. Not sure how much the speed ranking impacts the regional score

Its getting harder

I do not know how to do mental subtraction. Every multiplication and division problem i get in seconds. I just cant subtract
