Can you explain why
Would you kindly?
How to change your mind - bad, dont read pollan
I think years of POE (or any video game really) dull the creative senses and blind the eyes to the beauty of the world
I just dont feel like they contribute to my life or happiness in any way
Jdance is playing life like it's another round of POE - min/max, read the "strategy guide" (Atomic Habits), monitor the stats. Another mini-quest completed.
Ive always been this way. Youre right
Every day i make a checklist of about 40-50 items that i click off as i complete them, all mini quests. All small steps in pursuit of a larger goal. I am trapped within this structure. Without the "ding" from my to do list, what am i really?
This opinion is really dangerous. You know, the lens in which you perceive the world is more an effect of cultural learnings, than natural senses? Your body is produced through the food you consume and so such your brain (and therefor reality, the universe) is defined by what you indulge in.
Fiction is the art of life, reality, all of mankind and history up to this point. If you choose to only indulge in such trivial shit as "achieving your goals", then you will never materialize enough of a soul to live through anything: you will never share a true romantic partner as there will be no grooves for you to fit into each other, you will never truly comprehend a risk or a life decision, any family you bear will themselves bear the brunt of this psuedo-scientific shit: borderline propaganda.
Seriously debating insta-carting a loaf of bread so I can make myself a PBJ for breakfast (I have good jam and fresh ground PB but don't normally buy/eat bread)
I have never used insta-cart before - it feels very kafkaesque. This morning I awoke from uneasy dreams to find myself transformed into a gigantic bugman.
Yeah dude but i just really dont care so where does that get me
Gateway drug dont do it
How far are you in spivaks
I think this is ultimately the point. Do you want to raise a son without yourself understanding literature & developing a spiritual (if I may use that word) view of the world? What sort of half-formed creature would you expect that poor lad to grow into?
You absolutely do care. It's your "ego" (as you'd call it) that is so focused on saving face in this discussion that you will feign ignorance.
Did Etn James's dad read literature?
We are on break currently and i have no items on my to do list for the next 3 days.
Today i will be hanging out with morgan and playing xbox at her apartment
The next day i will be doing a work get together
The day after, hiking??