Jdance ♿

Yeah jdance youre needlessly edgy and its cancer at times lmao

C r I n g e

It’s, uh, a little more than edgy…

Imagine being so insecure that you actually cringe

My jawline is not weak.



Holy shit you’re all so angry that I am actually the most attractive person on the forum and choose to be a virgin

Oh fuck I’m fat again in these pics

You're not choosing anything

How Could Someone As Attractive As Me Not Get Sex Though

Because you’re about average in physical attractiveness, have a shit job, shut education, and a shit personality

I think jdance and ewiz both have equally bad personality

For the record, jdance is a far worse person than you, though he pisses me off less

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imagine being this unsocial

Girls are really attracted to guys that act vain and aggressive delivery drivers…what a time to be jdance

Guarantee people like me more than they like you

This is false

Something’s not adding up because this is also false