On the real–do you think they’ve fucked
My mind says no but my heart aches for yes
1 hour until the new year
Just felt a taste of loneliness as this song started playing
Mind fuck: you are 9 months older than your age.
Mind fuck: if you were born premature you are more likely to not succeed in school as your mind is less developed than your peers.
Mind fuck: if you were born premature, and near the cutoff date for your school district, you will almost certainly fair badly in school
Why is no one talking about this
The school system is fundamentally broken so long as students are conveyered on a belt according to age
Can we have this discussion?
A massive amount of professional hockey players are born just after the cutoff date for most northern school districts
Hockey requires great physical coordination. Those born nearest the cutoff date are the most physically developed and therefore stand out at an earlier age. those players who stand out are more likely to be noticed, coached, and developed than the runts on the team.
You will not succeed if you were born in July, and there was never anything you could do about it
The dynamic of your girlfriend’s brother knowing you’re fucking makes for an interestingly odd way of conversing
My last haircut was 50 bucks.
How much do you want to bet KrazyKat was born in July
Epok blatantly is an April baby
I can judge every person on this forums birthday accurately
How is it not fucked up that you can have two kids in the same kindergarten class that are 9 months different in age, a near 20% older than each other?
Schools should not be structured like this.
I’m going to look up Einstein’s birthday right now. Guarantee that’s an October baby