Jdance ♿

yes iM the retard

Guess what I’m about to post


love like a sunset

enlighten me im ready.

love for you like ticking clock

nobody cares you aren’t even mensan

Kittens banters like someone whose done it before but still sucks at it

mean iq around here is a hair below 140

that’s not an unironic post right… that’s not relevant here

I lost many iq points to drug fueled stagnation and aging

I’m not sure if it’s ironic yet

Really I’m just putting it out there to see what everyone thinks

Why didn’t you follow me back on instagraM?

idk, i like when people think i’m trying to be something or someone when i’m really just me, and i’m kind of a tard

where would you go where would you go tied up to a lasso

You have autism


Not you