Sorry guys about the grammar error. It felt wrong when I typed it but I was too careless to fix it before I hit the reply button.
I’ll try to not let it happen again.
Sorry guys about the grammar error. It felt wrong when I typed it but I was too careless to fix it before I hit the reply button.
I’ll try to not let it happen again.
You made a typo, it doesn’t matter. I’m calling nyte out for saying that it still made sense
Still feel like shit about it.
Thanks for not harassing me for a post by the way it was nice
Don’t bully nyte please.
things are looking up
Hey boyyys
Sexy gay ass boyssss hey
500 fusings in on this 28 quality shavs suck my ass krillson
we need someone to be an admin on the SH forum and then they can discourse merge the blog thread and the artifact thread
Inspiring stuff
In the moment of temptation it seems like a wonderfully exciting idea to browse and look at porn, but remember the last time you looked and how crap it made you feel afterwards! The shame, the depression. I have actually pictured hanging myself after doing porn.
Excuse me it’s “Using” porn