Jdance ♿

the bruising no

Alright it doesn't really hurt or anything so I was just making sure

yeah you’re probably good I would just watch and see if you get an abscess

As long as you’re properly muscling it

Stop shooting up probably


So you can love yourself

Practice humility

You'll be humbled at some point anyway

are u like 400 lbs

  1. Very loose skin

Bloated and swollen from steroids, etc

Based and redpilled from steroid use

disgusting and fat from years of stuffing your mouth

My gf says she doesn't care if I go bald - is that a trap?

She's very big on the giving autonomy thing, as I am with her

She says things like

Just the fact that you said "gyno flare-up" and "in case of shrunken balls" should be reason enough; why do you feel the need to do this?

You don't need to do everything quickly. You know it's going to be a lot more rewarding to you (and more long term) if you work hard and do it yourself.

sounds like you might be retarded

didnt know jdance played injustice

Really can't wait for the shriveled ball posts asking if everything is ok and if you should go to a doctor