Jdance ♿

That's cool

Anything else?

There was a time when the things you said would mean something

Those days are gone ,and my heart is aching

Just chilling in the campus parking lot - listening to Khalid - waiting for my girlfriend to get out of class

has a beard to hide that hes a jawlet

I have a jawline lol

Steroid user / body builder here

True for you as well

Is it true for me? Nobody can tell because I am always joking.

It's not true for me.

Not really for either of us.come on jenanda

I hate myself but not like that

Matt's currently incapable of questioning anything he does

That's because I'm not doing anything wrong

You'll act like me when you're mentally healthy as well. Until then you're stuck posting stupid ironic meme images

Hint: nobody in the real world likes this

Have fun being a 4chan poster your entire life faggot

Nobody in the real world would like the things you post what's your point

They would tell you to see a psychiatrist probably

Just let me blog about steroids in peace
