Jdance ♿

What am I denying.

I think honestly the path you are supposed to take is Gyoubu -> who knows -> lady bfly

Comparatively Gyoubu is easy as fuck

Can't help but feel like this game would be better without resurrection

Wait until you fight a real boss and you will feel the need for it

What's the point of taking steroids when you're fat

Everyone I've known that's taken roids have at least been decently fit before starting, doing steroids from the get go seems really stupid

A guy from my highschool got this rash all over his face from roids

Fat oxidization goes up. There's no real difference. You can also maintain muscle mass on a cut entirely too which is huge

How're u gonna feel when u zyzz out to a heart attack

From testosterone alone? Shut the fuck up retard

These people were on bro cycles of compounds they never should have been taking for durations they never should have. There's a large difference between 1 cycle of test and taking multiple compounds in large doses for decades on end

I also don't really give a fuck about my appearance. I'm just trying to get stronger


It's a drug scare website

Are They Dangerous?

The general consensus is that if used properly, in conjunction with blood tests, AAS can be used safely. However, the potential side effects can be extreme if they are used incorrectly. Most commonly, a lipid profile imbalance which favors plaque deposition in the arteries occurs. The strict diet of most bodybuilders means this is minimized by a low fat intake.

Liver problems can occur, particularly with the use of orals. Rare cases of hepatis peliosis (blood filled cysts in the liver), more commonly known as a liver cancer, have been associated with oral AAS. While these cases have been rare, it emphasizes the need for blood testing during a cycle.

Gynecomastia can occur as a result of high levels of testosterone being partially converted to estrogen, the main one being estradiol. The enzyme responsible for this conversion is aromatase, and can be inhibited by a class of drugs called Aromatase Inhibitors (AI's). However, a SERM (like Raloxifine or Nolvadex) is also used because it blocks the estrogen receptor, rather than the enzyme.

Are There Any Long Term Effects?

AAS have been used in humans to improve performance since the 1930's. This was a crude extract from male dog urine. Nazi paratroopers were thought to be the first to take testosterone for performance. In the fifties, Ciba developed Dianabol, and the race was then on to find the best steroid in terms of anabolic/androgenic dissociation.

The long history of use by many thousands of people has shown that if used reasonably, most people do not experience any long term effects. However, there is a distinct lack of research in this area, with the occasional case study in the medical literature. The mass media likes to sensationalize the death of any past steroid user.

The fact is, the most likely problem would be an increase in arterial plaque deposition as a result of an unfavorable blood lipid levels. This does not effect all users, hence another reason for blood testing.

There is strong evidence to suggest that brief exposure to anabolic steroids might have long lasting performance-enhancing effects: A cellular memory mechanism aids overload hypertrophy in muscle long after an episodic exposure to anabolic steroids

Should I Begin Taking Anabolic Steroids?

The generally accepted criteria for starting the use AAS' is as follows:

  1. Research and obtain a very good understanding of what you are considering putting in your body PRIOR to your cycle.
  2. If you are under 25 years old it is possible to incur permanent damage from a cycle; there is also a greater risk of unwanted side effects.
  3. Do not run a cycle without having a PCT and an AI on hand. If you "can't afford" either, then you can not afford to run a cycle.
  4. The best first cycle is a simple first cycle. As more experience is gained and you learn how your body reacts to gear, cycles can become more complex. Adding two previously unused elements to a cycle makes it impossible to know which thing may be causing issues. Grow into your dose.
  5. Steroids are magic. But just like any spell, this magic doesn't work without the right incantation. That incantation, in this case, is a very good exercise program and a diet. With these two in place, keep your expectations reasonable and you'll be happy.
  6. For your cycle duration, remain aware of how your body is reacting both physically and emotionally. If something feels "off" or "not right", and it's not a known side, it probably isn't right. Typical beginner cycles make people feel very good overall.

Shit dude nevermind you got reddit logic

thinking about doing exercise so i can fuck girls of similar or higher quality to the one i sent to ian and yns

Steroids are magic

Exactly what you want from a guideline for illegal drug use