Jdance ♿

I take it back Matt good luck

ian is deeply jealous of me and its manifesting in interesting ways


Where's the lipid stuff

Isn't that what it's saying to measure

for the record my last injection has caused me to be unable to move my left arm without being in pain so chances are im not even going to continue because its pointless if i cant even go to the gym

ill revisit in a couple years down the road

i might try like one more time with a longer needle to make sure im hitting muscle tissue. i just dont have any

I'm still jelly.

wall street market is fucking dead. i cant even buy more atm

Try crack next time

I think steroids/doping is just insecurity/entirely missing the point of what you're doing

Spending time on working out/at the gym is about self-improvement and working towards a long-term goal of being healthy

By doping you deny yourself that journey and you cheapen the payoff (won't feel as good because you know you cheated for it)

That's why these dudes that get super into it dont seem to know when to stop and often go completely overboard

Considering jdance's habit of going completely overboard with things I guess it should be not at all surprising

he just wants to get stronger

I've never once gone overboard not at all

What's the point of being strong

No one seems to understand that I find the entire process fun.

What's the point of being strong - said the guy who didn't think through the question