Jdance ♿

List your fucking accomplishments

I would rather just deal in absolutes instead of playing armchair psychologist

Go away dumb whore

div has no accomplishments! and he makes fun of me!

you’re the whore

I make fun of you because you’re a VIRGEN

What makes me a whore jones?

please don’t post shit like that in the therad whil eI am present

To that end the fact that I’m an accomplished individual isn’t even relevant, though it is true.

well if you’re going to make fun of me! then spill it! fucking asshole

I’m waiting for you to spill it because you made fun of me

Deepthroat - programmer - mentally deficient
Jones - programmer - insane
Jdance - tech wizard startup - went insane

Do you guys see a pattern?

i am a NEET, not a programmer

Why is it that everyone on this forum involved with IT is broken in terrible ways?

I am not involved in IT.

Yes your

No, I’m not.

Okay. I take it back then. My assertion was wrong because you are not involved in IT.

He’s not even that insane

that makes me uncomfrotable; please don’t post things like that or I will leave this thread.