Jdance ♿

??? Ehlllo

Just took an unbelievable satisfying pure liquid shit

I think I’ve found the cure to my social problems - but it’s a drastic one.

What is it?

No caffeine on days where I don’t work with pretty girls and then load caffeine and noodtropic on days I do


It will work. I will be happy to be myself again (caffeine) and then smarter (noodtropic). The two effects will compound multiplicatively

The ketone salts I took earlier seem to have taken away my restless leg syndrome. They have lied entirely still for the better part of the last 2 minutes

I’m looking to optimize my body with chemicals and compounds.

Aren’t all the girls you work with teenagers?

All but 2 (their in my headlights)

You’re pretty creepy dude

Meet me IRL and call me creepy

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I would beat the shit out of you

Sure. Come to DC

You’re the one with the money. I deliver pizzas. You come to me and fight me in the free lot.

Nah why would I go to some shithole just to make fun of some idiot?

I’m not the idiot. Your.

Alright, Mr. Algebra I

If I beat algebra 1 will you call me algebra 2