Jdance's Mafia #1 Signups

Why is jones on a new account?

Yes, you should and you should demand a lot more. SQL is a highly valued skill


not signing until we know who vohiyo and the thread sanitizer is

Vohiyo my friend sanitizer jones

Have my friends disappointed you yet?

The thread Sanitizer is KiNGJoNES.

SQL iS a HIghLy ValuED sKiLL.

Finally taking a fantastic dump holy shit be free chicken breast be free

It is. Not sure why, because it’s easy to learn, but SQL database monkeys make a lot more than $10/hr in general

This is something I get to do for fun. To pass time at work. My boss will go through all 63k addresses in the system manually if I wasn’t doing this

Why use SQL? Just put it in an excel spreadsheet so he can ctrl + f for anything.

No need to be a software elitist.


might want to consider taking out the vigi if you’re doing 10v3

part of the reason I suggested vigi is that in 9v3, one shot on town doesn’t lose a mislynch and one shot on scum without shooting town gains a mislynch

but idk u could keep it in IDC

if you take it out you might consider giving the cop a free randomized night zero town check, as is sometimes standard

oh wait we are at fucking 17

17 is a fine nhnber for one vigi one cop

Is @Matticus in? He wants to play

It’s a very complex query. Need to if addr.num.length() != 5 { x1.eastwest<addr<X2.eastwest && y1.eastwest<addr<y2.easywest } else same thing but northsouth except it’s columns

Haven’t been able to sit down to do it yet though…

do you want me to suggest a more involved 17er setup with fancier roles or is this level of vanilla good for you

Take some cert exams, dude. You could make your delivery salary in half the time with a job as some variant of SQL flavored engineer

Computers make me go insane unfortunately