Jeffrey Epstein general


Weird that someone like that didn't have a killswitch even before he went into jail

The person who let Epstein get off easy in Florida was appointed as US Labor Secretary by DJT administration

Listen to the Eric Weinstein vid on Epstein. (Eric is a big investment banking guy at Thiel Capital.) He explicitly says his impression of Epstein, when he met him many years ago, was that he was a 'construct' - all the stuff about trading currencies, billions in wealth etc was fake, set up by somebody to make him appealing to the right crowds

What were those crowds?

  • politicians (Clinton)
  • hollywood (needs no explanation)
  • academics (Dershowitz, MIT research lab)
  • the occasional wealthy or influential fool (DJT)

Note the CIA has a history of infiltrating these groups (see: the revolving door in that same time period of top mathematicians moving between academia and top-secret intelligence jobs, which today they are not shy about. Watch any Jim Simons interview, for example)

What was his objective in doing so? Well, they found his houses were full of cameras and the search warrant on his manhattan mansion revealed a bunch of tapes in a safe (in addition to several fake passports and a bunch of diamonds - yes really) with labels like '[NAME] and young [name]'

His role was to gather compromat, his intelligence backers were CIA, and Maxwell was his connection to Mossad

Maxwell was at least as guilty as he and there's been no discussion or effort about pursuing her.

And the media is complicit in all this. They killed stories on him for years and now are completely avoiding asking the hard questions of intelligence agencies (such as: Is there any record of an intelligence relationship with him? Where did G.M.'s passport last cross a border? Even a 'no comment' on the record would be a significant news story).

Why? probably because they're in some way already caught in that web


So jdance is in training to be one of these top mathematicians then

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Everythingā€™s so clear now

don't forget that he got a teaching job at a rich kids school with 0 experience or a college degree

and the person that gave him that job is barr's dad

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The only issue I have with these conspiracies is that, if powerful people have the ability to get away with murder, you would see a lot more murder.

Why wouldn't Hillary kill Trump?

Why wouldn't x kill y?

Why aren't these people dead?

I guess you see it outside of the USA quite a bit, but you never really hear about it here.

I think he probably was killed. I think conjecture about who did it is dumb and probably unethical. And in my experience people get sucked into this conspiracy shit and become completely fucking Looney, believing the dumbest shit with zero base whatsoever to stand on

its almost like because nothing will be proved people think that the can just fucking ramble on forever about dumb impossible shit and that they'll be right

ever think the prison guard gave him shit to kill himself?

the guy was a pedophile dude, they dont last long in prisons

  1. too high profile
  2. there are a variety of other tools for eliminating someone like trump - for example, the overwhelming media consensus that he was a moron, a racist, unelectable etc. Same as they did to bernie
  3. She thought she was winning against him. Recall media called it like 98% for HRC or something ridiculous

Point is there are cases where it makes sense to murder somebody for political reasons and cases where it doesnt.

What are Hilary's motivations for becoming president

I'm sorry but this isn't "conspiracy theory bullshit" there are a lot of unanswered questions and extremely strange circumstances. Comparing it to "9/11 and sandy hook" is really unfair and just kinda dismisses every single thing anybody might say.

"You might end up on the same side of a discussion as numeta" I don't even know what this is supposed to mean? We're trying to talk about Epstein here, not numeta.

Is everybody supposed to believe the party line and never question anything because they might end up "being like numeta"? Or in the same camp as sandy hook false flaggers? I feel like you are discussing this from a place of insecurity.

"They just create deeper and more complex web of reasons for why something happened without realizing how much more unlikely it is."

I don't think Trump having him killed is that unlikely. Acosta was put into a position of power BY Trump, after the bullshit ruling. It was a FEDERAL PRISON. The person with the highest amount of access to a FEDERAL PRISON is literally the president of the USA. It's really not that much of a stretch dude.

Also the autopsy they did was literal bullshit, and he had bones broken in his neck that "never appear in hangings" according to an extremely well regarded pathologist, per netflix doc. I feel like you're being really dismissive.

Sorry my point was not to dismiss the possibility that something more sinister could've happened, obviously i wasn't there and you'll likely never get a satisfying conclusion. My point was in all discussions in this nature the simple answer as stated by everyone who has replied to me since is IMPOSSIBLE.

Do you think the idea that Trump killed him, or rather ordered members of the secret service to kill him to be impossible?

Impossible no, improbable yes.

I respectfully disagree, I find the idea that the cameras malfunctioned and he hung himself in his cell at that exact moment to be far more improbable.

And you're totally welcome to feel that way, I just don't think coincidences alone are enough for me.
I believe trump and the government in general are too inept to pull something like this off successfully.

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She didnt want to do it but it was her turn

Trump is clean.