Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

you lynched yourself. you objectively griefed us and lost your team the game.

I just think being like "wow you should've reread the thread sooner" when my experience in the thread up to that point is someone PMing the host, taking my gun, trying to shoot me with it, basically acting insane

Like should we talk about ■■■ self-lynching after I said we weren't going to hammer him for 18 hours? Can I be faulted for thinking this guy was jester?

There is no way I was going to pick up on Kkat/SCSF with all the shit going on in the thread up to mid-day2 (and Nyte absolutely didn't). When I finally had a minute I went back and reread, and at that point the other towns have an opportunity to do the same

If Nyte is scumreading Kkat at that point, she can put her vote on him (she doesn't, she votes me)

You're going to tell me she had some god read on Kkat there? After tunnelling me day 1 and 2? I had like the majority of posts in the thread, I am easily townreadable, it's just bad town play.

And while we are at it I am going to go out on a limb and say town has an obligation to towntell to other town

If your two posts in the thread in a single day are "yawn" and lynching a VT, you are not playing strong town. Sorry.


That’s true

Can you explain the decision to lynch yourself day 1 and also the decision to steal my gun and shoot me with it

To make your life harder


People should have to pay forum coins or some shit in order to lynch. Keep a big tally of them where the twitch sidebar should be. I am honestly super-tired of these "I fingered XYZ" on d1 nonsense.

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Sounds monetizabke. I’ll get on it

Agreed. Put your wongs where your mouth is. Enough of this Nyte fingering stuff

If you've checked my Bidenomics Meal Plan Ex Gifrleid dumped me thread I'll do it for like $250.

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Well basically this is my bottom line, I think people had a blast this game but it was by acting like lunatics, let's not get it confused. I won't tolerate anybody coming in here and talking about serious town play like they have something to say - I was the only serious town player in this game.

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Fuck Off.

You Fuck Off.

Nah, Fuck You.

You have some issues.

You're wrong!

Yeah, I'm going to introduce a live betting market into mafia games.

For context this is me being flamed for voting the guy who pmed the host to steal my gun without consent and shoot me with it

On day 1

By a person who lived the entire game without ever actually having a positive town impact. Early days - "identifies a scum" and tunnels the wrong person. Later days - identifies a scum and gives up. 2 posts total in day 2, the day in which I solved the game.

■■■ never pm'd me. KKat actually pinged me in scumchat! And then ■■■ also pinged me in game. I also don't know your underlying intentions. I had NO idea you both wanted to shoot each other. I reasoned that you were defended so you wanted to see who ■■■ would shoot.

I'm actually trying to compliment you here and you're calling me snarky and secretly want me banned. I'm trying to maximize everyone's fun in this game to the best of my ability. I took no bias toward any player this game.


Thanks for saying that.