Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

Ain’t no way I’m getting this on mafiauniverse

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There was a LOT of griefing this game from a bunch of players, and very much in not a fun way. At the end of the day though, it's mafia and you can't blame other people, just get better at reading the game -- and there were plenty of scumtells, though I DO know it's easy to say that from a full information perspective.

you are arguing in bad faith because your feelings are hurt (poor frustrated assoul)

The scum are the bottom posters

Idk how you're lecturing me, I identified these guys day 2

You are the top overacyivity poster and actually lynched yourself this day so you will have to type quite a few words if you think I should be learning from your town play this game

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Yeah buddy tunnel me some more I really like getting tunneled out

I played infintelt better than you in that regard lmao

You focused on one town all of day 1 and spent day 2 trying to make up some shit about how you’re excused for it

You’re right you played great my bad.


Fact of the matter is I was the most trolled/griefed player in this mafia game and I still identified the scum

What have the rest of you done for this Mafia Subforum today

A lot. ISO my postgame


■■■ was the first to identify LBJ as jester and also started pushing on KKat immediately after his fumble with the gun. KKat completely crumbled and nobody noticed.

I'm still being trolled/griefed in this postgame. It's happening right now.


is nyte taller than you

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No longer. I’m out, night

Link the kkat fumble

scsf has miniscule numbers and you engaged him more earnestly
it says plenty

the entire reason i specifically went out of my way to say to you kkat was because he was not THE lowest poster at that point in time (and i felt likely he would not be lowest in the end)

that was my communication and if you failed to make any real data out of it i'm going to stress it's much more on you, because i clearly communicated why i would be "tunneling" you after

you completely disingenuously engage me, just in general, but here in the mafia context particularly, we can examine.

■■■ hyper fixating on Jester so early (rather than just reading lbj scum/3p which is how I considered him) was actually a reason I mild sussed him at the start

Sorry babe nobody can read your mind you'll have to learn to communicate

oh my god you people are such losers

is there a teamspeak web clietn