Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

we dont have infinity for you to randomly knock out the right keys for the prediction

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Still wondering

come on nma we can just throw caution to the wind

I'll have the signup thread up within 24 hours. Very busy.


You're free to help!

give them infinity and they'll still never hit gold with all their unjustified assumptions and lack of robustness. locked in a hell of false positives and negatives of their own design

nyte needs a quick signup so she can not play the game again and not show up to lynch SCSF

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day = roughly 36-48 hours

"not show up" = i voted nyte within 12 hours of day start and now i'm crying about how its her fault

Had no idea you were so good with numbers.


I think from now on I'm going to take a page out of your book and AFK in the fountain for the first 5 minutes of every dota game before showing up to my lane.

Defending your lack of activity after posting "GG end" and afking the day before? Yeah, you deserve to be beaten.

clear evidence of your prefrontalcortex damages

Reminds me of that Wraith King Game Where me and Nma and Chris are having a blast defendind, playign teh game and you'er wall jungling typing "whats the point aynmore"

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like if you had just left it on this, you'd be funny and relatable

Funny and Relatable? I would kill you LMAO

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cringe and delusional pilled

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....... get help

Doesn't your sister live like 2 hours away from me?


is this a product of you missing meds? does someone need to be notified?
because this is frankly sad and disturbing, again