Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

are you fucking r*tarded

U lost the game for town

Are you

Wait AND you killed another town member with a day kill

Imagine being that bad at an online forum game

While being afk

And then coming in the post game thread

Yapping it up

Like anyone respects or gives a shit about you as a human being

Shut up

Shut up

Don’t post anymor


You are literally an affirmative action monkey dude -- don't get @ me with any of this human being nonsense. LMAO

Life is better for everyone wen you afk

All ur good for is afk

Didn't Earn It - - Mafia Edition.

U are worthless outside of when you afk

Go back to afk

Don’t reply


Shut the fuck up idiot and afk

I didn't even sign this game -- I wasn't even supposed to be playing. I literally stole toprak's spot and played for him.

It isn’t hard

Just look at the past day threads

Go back to afk

You do realize this right -- at no point did I sign up to play this game.

And yet

Here u are