Jester Nightless [DAY 4 - END]

He keeps trying to gaslight the thread saying he didn't willingly do the trade when he explicitly posted that he accepted it. Honestly pathetic behavior and shows clear intent to harm the mafia subforum.

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There's some concepts you people need to learn about instantaneous and delayed rewards.

Thing is the game actually wasn't over and was an easy town win but for some reason you afked/destroyed items and lost lol

I think some people just can't handle the pressure of lynch/lose and prefer to bow out early.

Marski does that sometimes

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you are clearly a damaged prefrontalcortex haver

leave the forum r*tard

What does this even mean in the context of mafia?

a good old chortle

i know, he's one among many don't worry - i'm aware
you don't need to feel unincluded

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pg 28 in PDF

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If only I made fun of you when you fucked up my dota stacks.

I actually agree with this, once @bug cued you into the low effort players potentially being mafia you quickly solved the game (for this he deserves some credit too).

I think the reason we are bad at going for low effort posters is because it's rare that we get two on the same side. I'm going to say the quiet part out loud, I actually kept my first random role roll (which included LBJ has Jester, seriously) even though I thought it would be a big stomp. My immediate instinct was to mulligan, but I'm glad I didn't.

Will read now.
This better not be a case of the soyjak that just read a book and tries to apply it to everything he sees.

you are unquestionably wrong and fucked up

This is like that game hwere you were playing troll and we were all taking rosh and you were for some reason at the radiant ancients and I said 15 seconds earlier "what the fuck is nyte doing -- she's going to die" and you got solo killed by a pangolier or something

ooo 10 armed test bed that sounds delicious!!

exactly the same as what happened at the end of this mafia game.

multi-bandit problems are cool fuck you

I am going to be honest I have no idea who Marski is.

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But if he plays Dota like Nyte plays Mafia then he and I are mortal enemies.