Jester Nightless [GAME]

If I were mafia I’d shoot like you scsf maybe nyte or somethin

Asouls ISO reads like he gets LBJ is jester and is leaning into it

Who is my partner? Or if it’s not me who is the duo nma

I legitimately don't care.

From now on I'll be more careful about item transactions, but I processed the trade first since that's what I saw. The vest doesn't need to be activated so the bullet broke the vest and had no effect.


great job epok. embarrassing as usual.

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Mom's spaghetti.

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Hey I read the post where it said the item had to be used

This is what I get for actually reading for once.

@sophie You use the item if it's an active item. Passive items obviously don't need to be activated. Have you never played DoTA 2?

In my mind if it’s transactable it’s not active but I shoulda clarified. Whatever

I’m fine with lynching asoul or pastel today probably

you're probably thinking of gay sex and aids not computer game items

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Fuck. Your right!

Back on the Sophie train
@mafiabot vote @SOPHIE

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@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 2 Vanilla_Town, LuckyArtist
nyte 1 SCSF
dondi_fontaine_houwk 1 KrazyKat

Not Voting

SOPHIE, Nyte, big_ass, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk, pastel,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


What’s if it’s just
Asoul and Sophie

And they conspired to blow the items in a dumb way


I'm only changing my vote to either lynch pastel or to fully random the vote (everyone drops all votes).

Sophie is so concerned about me being jester (town btw) and then fumbles the shot? If that ain’t anti town gameplay idk what is