Jester Nightless [GAME]

Wild shot in the dark what if pastel is haxity

It’s def ewiz tho

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Gonna hit u with another jester post

If I am jester and someone shoots me I will consider it a moral victory which is just as good as an actual win

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I’m cool with shooting ya but I’d be down to lynch you if we get a scum so you get a real W

When Haxity comes back you’ll know

He’s gone fucker won’t even play poe w me

I @ed matty twice for a trade already but if he wants to facilitate this I’d be down. But you should probably just shoot ewiz if you really want to

I got him on discord I’ll get him on here to talk Poe with ya

Anything for site metrics smh

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Vest and gun were traded

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Ok if it’s pastel who is his partner?

not sure if this is a legal move. He publicly gave the vest to SCSF before trading it.

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I don't care anyway. He probably already read all of our role PM's.

Shoot pastel.

If I shot asoul before he activated vest it would be really funny

@Matticus i shoot asoul before he equips the armor.

Wait I was gonna shoot LBJ FUCK

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I highly doubt this would even work.

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you're probably mafia