Jester Nightless [GAME]


I won't be hammering everybody come hang out we got 18 hours to talk about our feelings and shit

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You guys are really hamfisting that lbj is scum with em narraitve

Any last words loser? I'm about to hammer you right this second

@mafiabot lynch @SOPHIE

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SOPHIE has dropped the hammer on SOPHIE

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 5 SOPHIE, Vanilla_Town, LuckyArtist, SCSF, pastel
dondi_fontaine_houwk 1 KrazyKat

Not Voting

Nyte, big_ass, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


Next 30 seconds I will hammer you. Better type fast

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SOPHIE has died. He was a Vanilla Townie.

@mafiabot kill @SOPHIE

Day 2 has begun. Items will be randomly rolled in roughly 12 hours, at which point I will also be deciding the exact day length.

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@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 5 SOPHIE, Vanilla_Town, LuckyArtist, SCSF, pastel
dondi_fontaine_houwk 1 KrazyKat

Not Voting

Nyte, big_ass, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


@mafiabot kill @SOPHIE

@mafiabot vc

Vote Count

Lynch Votes Voters
sophie 5 SOPHIE, Vanilla_Town, LuckyArtist, SCSF, pastel
dondi_fontaine_houwk 1 KrazyKat

Not Voting

Nyte, big_ass, Dondi_Fontaine_Houwk,

Alive Players - 9

Majority Vote - 5


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