Jester Nightless [GAME]

You wanted to random the kill. If no lynch is ransomed then nobody dies, what does that accomplish

I’m also not a fan of the random just because it only takes one person to fuck it up and potentially/probably the next day

You guys are typing about math and all this irrelevant shit

It’s a thunder dome

Act accordingly

i think i misinterpreted some things but there's def some sus talk going on

  1. i assumed that nolynch ability equally targets all players for the jester target(and the jester bomb goes off regardless of random roll lynch or player induced lynch mechanic
  2. jester win con probably hinges on being lynched and NOT being shot, to win

???????????? have you not been half of my posts?

  • Elimination is compulsive. That is, it is decided on plurality and voting No Elimination is not allowed.

Voting nolynch on the bot is just a figure of speech, I can put it on "not voting" if you want. I just like how it looks more prominent that way.
Either way having 1 vote by anyone on anyone ruins the game.

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Thunder Dome may be the most brain dead take of all time

@mafiabot vote @SOPHIE

Honestly no so thank you

Randoming favors mafia and thus I refuse to do it

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If nma is scum it’s so joever he’s being way too fundamental to the dub

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This is possible but it's still wildly favorable over a random sample of players voting on him, because it essentially turns it into an expedited lynch rather than a likely mostly town selection.

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Thunderdome has a fuckin 7/9*6/8 or 60% chance of being two townies

Given how I’m not great at mafia math me telling you this should be a wake up call

Maths even worse when you consider that a thunderdome where jester is lynched is extra bad!

look, i am absolutely in favor off the cuff of this solve theory i just was thinking further and it does hold some assumptions that i'm only pointing out are unknowns (to me) and can possibly change the dynamic or directive of scum actions in particular.

@pastel should not have been added over faz lol

that's fine. I was going to ask Matticus about that same interaction but I got distracted by all the crap posting in here anyway. You brought a valid point despite it being futile.

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the part i find the most wild is (new user)'s reaction, in particular, to your posts.

I actually will be upset if VT is scum

Pastel should not be allowed to leave his small cage where we torture and rape him every day.

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That punishment makes way more sense for goys in any case. Y’all act like uncaged animals

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