Khan Academy Algebra I Progression

Algebra foundations

Solving equations

Solving inequalities

Working with units

:point_right:t3: Linear equations & graphs


Linear word problems


Systems of equations

Inequalities (systems & graphs)

Absolute value & piecewide functions

Rational exponents & radicals

Exponential growth & decay




Irrational numbers

Linear equations and graphs

  • Two-variable linear equations intro 7/24/2018
    1. Solutions to 2-variable equations 7/24/2018
    2. Complete solutions to 2-variable equations 7/24/2018
  • x-intercepts and y-intercepts 7/24/2018
    1. Intercepts from a graph 7/24/2018
    2. Intercepts from an equations 7/24/2018
    3. Intercepts from a table 7/24/2018

Quiz One 7/24/2018

  • Slope 7/24/2018
    1. Slope from graph 7/24/2018
    2. Slope from two points 7/24/2018
  • Horizontal & vertical lines 7/24/2018
    1. Hortizonal and vertical lines 7/24/2018

Quiz Two

  • Intro to slope-intercept form
    1. Slope-intercept intro
  • Graphing slope-intercept equations
    1. Graph from slope-intercept
  • Writing slope-intercept equations
    1. Slope-intercept equation from graph
    2. Slope-intercept from two points

Quiz Three

  • Point-slope form
    1. Point-slope form
  • Standard form
    1. Graph from linear standard form
    2. Convert linear equations to standard form
  • Summary: Forms of two-variable linear equations
    1. Slope from equation
    2. Linear equations in any form

Quiz Four

Unit Test

Reserve 1

Reserve 2

Reserve 3

Reserve 4

Reserve 5

Reserve 6

Reserve 7

Reserve 8

Reserve 9

Reserve 10

1 Like

Reserve 11

Reserve 12

good thread.

Solutions to 2-variable equations

Complete solutions to 2-variable equations

Cool thread, thanks for popping it in spam.

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