Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY of all charges

This is what the current pinnacle internet opinion haver take looks like on this topic if you guys were wondering

Delete your Twitter you'll be happier

My twitter is only positive, helpful, & very intelligent stuff (twitter mirrors & becomes an echo chamber of your own natural mental state)

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Iaafr is slowly catching up. I can tell because he keeps liking posts closer and closer to this one. Hi iaafr!


You should probably just move away from Massachusetts where you were obviously born

My impression so far: libertarian who grew up very educated somewhere in Massachusetts and has known nothing but the annoying culture of dumb "intellectuals"

Can't for the life of me think about what you would have went to school for though. Hopefully not politics

You'd be very sad if it was politics

Is that a degree?

definitely LA

He's not from LA lol

he has an LA degree


do human rights apply to aliens (extraterrestrials)
  • yes
  • no

0 voters

It is in the name you idiot

sorry response from esteemed community member theGreatWingiDingi was unclear

We would need Jordan Peterson to draft up a "rights to all universal lifeforms" and it would probably be a much easier writing than human lifeforms

Plus Jordan Peterson looks like an alien so they would feel comforted in his presence

Which member of NAMafia are we electing to send to the aliens to either represent us or be subjected to intense alien experiments (maybe sexual) - it is a 50/50 as we do not know their intentions yet in this hypothetical

I say Gamut because I think he would be uniquely qualified for both