kyle the town drunk

Product of your environment yaddah yaddah yadda

jcrispy has no social influence over me

Whats the nicest thing nmagane has ever said about me?

on discord hes ian but for ts he brings out the osiris i guess we know where his loyalties lie

he's literally never mentioned you in my presence. you really irritate jones though he thinks you shouldnt be allowed to 'get away' with how you use the forum

I think thats his way of complimenting me

this week is good no jones and as a result no toprak. chris on vacation. get to lose dota games and only hear jcrispy whine

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You need new friends

are you high right now?

only one of my older gaming group still plays dota and rarely at that. so when i get the itch to play once a week i join my international squad

like this post if i should erase myself from forum/discord

ive decided osiris will take the discord in my absence

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0 voters


@theodore stop drinkling

Why is this not in the discord

You know you have a problem when plasma tells you

answer my discord calls m8

he just wont answer me