Leaving This Website for LessWrong

The Moderatorship's immense pity towards your living situation and general psyche prevents them from dishing out to you what you deserve Jones, just like a common serf, you mistake kindness for weakness.

Epok, if put in a self defense situation against you, would not hesitate for a second to sever your puny lanky spine in half.

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"The Void Stares Back"

The Person edition

Ironically watches nintendo podcasts
Ironically converses with hamburger helper consuming americans
"Ironically" raids in world of warcraft for two years straight

At some point, the void stares back.

Dude shut up

Nmagane be like

"I'm NOT gonna play this shitty flash game with you! I HATE it! IT SUCKS AND IT"S GAY"

in the same breath

"Hey you wanna play some V Rising? - Barnyy, a now MTF Transexual Twitch streamer that i knew from Dota 2 Inhouse 10 years ago (when i couldn't even speak english.) Said that this game is REALLY good! We should play THIS game!

touch grass dude.

i've come to appreciate turkposting now that he doesn't just try to dodge the filter

I like hamburger helper.


been bullying toprak really hard on teamspeak; good to see he has enough sense to straddle his allegiances to people like alightsoul and ■■■

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have been repeatedly asking him if he's "into older guys" and he just goes into screaming fits about how "I'm gay" and how he's "way cooler than me". Dude is a total loser.

I think it's pretty apparent that i'm cooler than you in every way. Nmagane would rather have sex with me than you


moderators - repost jokes I make (donkeys).
toprak - posts screeds I made on this website (and the previous) 3 years ago verbatim.

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Look Jones it's like this NI--A.

toprak - 4chanarchive.com -> search #KINGJONES tripcode -> copy paste post into namafia window -> press enter

??????????? LMAO

when are you going to start making posts about the green-oval dude

If you're just going to say stuff like this you can be sure that you're never getting carried by my deso halberd Wraith King ever again

I was a rocket scientist at age 25 dude. Who the fuck are you?

"carried" you should see the shit I regularly play with and win games with you insolvent ■■■■■■

What makes you any different than "the users"? As far as I know you're just another NADotA member.

The half of the moderators of this forum are reddit magapedes and the other half doesn't care at all.
The only moderator action that gets taken is against spam/avoiding word filter to be edgy.

  • Me listening (you don't watch podcasts, they're radio) to a podcast that I've been following for the last 12+ years is not "ironic"

  • I do not "converse" with anyone other than on the teamspeak, if you're referring to yourself then Ok.

  • I did not "ironically" play WoW, I played it until I no longer enjoyed it. Something you also did for pretty much the same period of time as me.
    You also admittedly have played a lot more shitty MMOs that are just as bad, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

I never said that or made any insinuation that the game "sucks and is gay", I repeatedly expressed my respect and appreciation for it, but just said that I didn't want to spend the time and grind for something I personally don't like.
My time is worth more than that these days, sorry. I'm not going to get high and mindlessly grind and die repeatedly. At least V Rising has permanent progression.

  • Barny is more of a man that you'll ever be. He assaulted a police officer and went to Jail for a month.
    Literally broke his back doing manual labor, and now he's forced to stream on twitch to make money. You having no understanding of his situation yet still saying shit like this is quite arrogant and just cringe.
    In addition, you recent repeated attempts at bringing up this "you didn't have american accent 10 year ago i'm european and talk english" (read this in a comically exaggerated turkish accent) when I have countless written records of my forum posting dating back to 2008, just makes you look like you're grasping for anything to gaslight with.
    I'd like to hear your spoken English 10 years ago, considering that you currently still talk like the Elden Ring message creator (preset sentences connected together) after 2 years of Teamspeak.

In conclusion:

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Hey Uhhh.. Ethan.. Since you're no longer working that Rocket Science Job i thought maybe we could give this away or something.


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