Leaving This Website for LessWrong




Please do.

"I have never been to prison, and whether or not I've been to jail has no bearing on this discussion"
-Barnyyy 2022

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This forum be like

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classic gemini

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Based less wrong poster

Isn't it dead

Live view of the Lounge



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I can't wait to see the new lounge posts making fun of cultured urbanite

There won't be any posts "making fun" of me because if I'm not posting on this website there's no posting whatsoever; ergo...

The mental midget, passive-aggressive "moderatorship" continually regurgitating jokes made by myself/nmaGane. A never ending cycle of you walking around with "Property of Goy Club" unknowingly stamped on your forehead. I own you, like a slave.

yea man

The last joke by nmagane on this forum was when he pretended to be friends with the users only to figure out that he's actually friends with them

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I actually literally did this.

I did this guys, it's so relatable to me (25 year old middle eastern unemployed drug addict.)

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