Linguistics Olympiad

@oqscpqvhxmfqmtigqk could help you learn more about that.

Just wrong lol you should read moee than a century old philosopher to understand language.

Language isn't writing. Why do code monkeys feel the need to talk about shit they don't get. I shut up when people talk about code because I know my capabilities, for example.

90% of these languages aren't every put to paper, so I wonder what your "Linguistic Fieldwork" class was really for.

you're a brainlet -- i've taken harder linguistics classes than you have lmao

please post what leading philosopher of language I should read then

is SIGPLAN the prefered journal. POPL? You're a retort LMAO

You ever read any information theory?

Can you recommend some books

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The linguistics thing

Chapter 2 is the computational linguistics portion.

Apparently it's chapter 3 on wikipedia.

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Perfect, thanks

A writing system is irrelevant to listening to a speaker and learning things from it.

Gunna need a bit more narrow of a topic to give a good recommendation.

I think at the level I'm operating at it's just abstracted -- you're mapping it some representation of information anyway. There's stuff that works on the direct audio through analysis of frequency.

Do you think in English? What's your inner monologue running in. Do you have an inner monologue?

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That is acoustics yes. One of the many parts.

Jones once again trying to derail a thread and kill a website.

I have one, and yes it is in English