Linguistics Olympiad

You just have aphantasia or the apple thing. But you're retorted. Maybe that's why your games are so bad.

I absolutely do not have "the apple thing" and that is not related to linguistics at all anyways.

I can vividly picture DotA replays in my mind.

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That's kinda funny cause I had a chance to go to the DRC and it was supposed to be for some language thing but the guy explaining it just rambled about it being for some spiritualism bullshit. He also talked about Italian students that did the same thing and got captured by some tribe. No thanks!

Sounds like you're the one who hates black people!

I didn't like that black guy much.

the closest I've gotten to Africa is my ex being offered to be shipped over there for some DEI type photoshoot but she joked that she wouldn't go with me because I would leave her over there...

this is what nyte took away from me......


I learned the Xhosa clicks to fuck with her. ahahahahahaha

You can self induce this "phenomenon" - it's just memory.

The first part of Manam is the easiest one so far.

That's probably part of why she left you. Were all your interactions defined around her Blackness?

It's like someone in inhouse only talking to me by making Sand and Pyramid jokes.

well she left me beacuse nyte torpedoes my relationship beacuse she's a witch.

Can a user be banned from a thread?

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She had to dust off the voodoo dolls, I see.

i think she's a tomboy -- doesn't play with dolls.

Don't ■■■■■■ women get phonology degrees and then make 25k a year?