Linguistics Olympiad

Done my solution but the conjugation seems botched (aka maybe whole thing is fucked)

Jones was typing for a long time and then stopped. I'm going to assume that means he failed the Greek Matrix

Since you guys have been struggling, I am going to post an easier one also which we can work on in parallel

Problem 4

Romance languages are probably more comfortable for most on this website (since we are all romantics)

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I am not at a computer.

All of the problems are solvable with pen and paper

Or stick and dirt.

I'm in my car silly goose ;) :duck::duck:

Problem 4 was actually very simple. Maybe even too simple for this thread

Adding 1 more because that one will be solved almost instantly.

Problem 5

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Problem 4 is free points somebody should claim it

I've left the nouns to the curious reader.

Provide ordered list A-H for a complete solution

It's literally Ax = b; if you can't see that from that picture you're ■■■■■■■■■


Moving the goalposts much. Behavior of a brown.

please do it in a public place

The goalpost was always extremely clear. Maybe you are just not accustomed to not getting your IEP accommodations on tests like this

can you imagine being so uneducated that you didn't immediately solve your dumb little linguistics problem as a linear system.

is language nonlinear?

ADA has no sway here - nobody gets special privileges on the test.