Lmao call the police retards

All will be proven in a court of law

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I got a good lawyer if you need it

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The chance that jdance has had sex increases exponentially with every post in this thread

He is an unstoppable force on the hunt for fresh poon - losing his virginity is an inevitability at this point and there is nothing any of you sad virgens can do to stop it.

Every time you post, I want you to ask yourself: is this the first post after jdance has lost his virginity? If it is, is it an adequate one? Will historians look back on this post and say: what a waste? For most of your posting, I think the answer is yes - please improve.


As of 2:04 AM PST this morning Jdance has lost his virginity according to a fucking text this loser sent me as I was trying to sleep


If this post is accurate then this is the first post after jdance had sex

Not a perfect post, but a pretty good one. Well done everyone

Let’s just continue to keep in mind that any of your posts could be the first one after the SECOND time jdance has sex.

Anal or?

I mean with the video he is sending to yns…

I’m not even responding to this gigantic faggot anymore

Who the fuck sends a video of themselves cumming to another man that shit is GAY

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Bet he got bent over you know?

Damn that girl must have went crazy after jdance told her he was sending a dick pic to someone else. She had to lock it down then

Jdance number is somewhere in an Ian post

congrats jdance

Also bro how’s jdance post all his bullshit about fucking but hadn’t yet

Perma virgin to me forever more smh


Nope, jdance himself posted it

Oh yeah I remember he posted it in the blog (or jdance containment) thread a while back. Wanted to text it but I’m a real puss and I also had nothing to say to him

Yeah, it was super early on in jdance’s time here