john swayer
Town can't win this game!
- player who claimed mafia
I'll admit, there is a nonzero chance I'd shoot myself tonight due to the poor quality of this game, but it's low currently.
threatening suicide in a mafia game to get your way should be bannable
Okay fine, let's pass some time. What was your reasoning for shooting Benny? I thought he was my partner (so was taken aback when NMA messaged me in scumchat when the nightphase began), but I thought he had outed himself.
It's because Jdance's sig is of Benny and I'm sick and got it confused.
He had zero interest in contributing to the game from the seems of it and that made him impossible to read. I didn't want to shoot iaafr because I am a spineless simp. Figured I'd shoot outside the group entirely and we'd just figure out who the scum is in it later...which I guess we have or will?
Benny wasn't zeused for talking outside of the game. Why is osiris zeused when benny initiated the conversation? I couldn't believe no one else noticed and thought he was outed.
no idea who lemon was didnt feel like asking
more clearly, i assumed lemon was like brenden or something and i didnt want to ask if that player was in the game because my ego wanted to assume the game was not ruined
the rest of this conversation occurs after the game ends
If NMA is getting lynched then it's up to SK to kill doctor since you have more info than me. However with town bias toward lynching NMA I'm not sure why SK doesn't just claim so we're sure to hit doctor.
That said I didn't read my role so maybe you have good reason to not claim, in which case the first part of the above post still holds.
@SOPHIE it's nice that you let IAAFR have a special setting private offline mode that was supposed to be removed as well.
Which of you is the maimer?
That would be your mother.
He said it again!
But to be serious for a second: I am 100% for not letting IAAFR sign another game again.
You have to be seriously dumb to think that we would want to roleblock you anyway. Neither of us care about stalling the game out to end with a 50/50 tied vote or draw state.
Grow up and stop wasting time, lynch yourself.