The "perfect play" is us agreeing to shoot different targets at night. Not that complicated.
Here: If I get lynched, you shoot IAAFR and Matticus will shoot someone else.

Looks like human variance is done for.

actually even if we shoot the same target town still can't win

But we can make mafia lose

You would prefer to be humiliated and cucked by Alightsoul that let your close friend and dota stack teammate win his 5th game in a row? Okay.

There are no friends in mafia

this isnt mafia anymore. The game ended 24+ hours ago.

This is postgame discussion.

I would rather have alightsoul win

This one is for robert

How's he doing?

Private information



tell me on ts

What does the maimer do?

Nothing. It does nothing - he's trying to peddle snake oil to the town players.

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Yeah I was about to say what you said last night, but as long as the two factions don't shoot each other after lynching you, town still can't win.

I'm obviously not going to explain it to you because your mafia

For the record the two above players claimed mafia in the thread. You should not be reading any of their posts from here on

What's your role?