especially since you seem to be the only user on the forum with "offline mode" enabled, so we can't even tell if you're afk griefing or intentionally griefing.
nothing is stopping the next host from opening signups and getting the ball rolling. there is no rule about concurrent signups/games.
Logical fallacy.
Ok Ill vote him after matty
Vote Count
Lynch | Votes | Voters |
thegreatwingdingi | 2 | Matticus, Vanilla_Town |
matticus | 1 | theGreatWingdingi |
vanilla_town | 1 | JCrispy |
Not Voting
iaafr, SOPHIE,
Alive Players - 6
Majority Vote - 4
I had a lot of great LOST jokes but I'm not posting them to avoid spoilers.
The fact that he doesn't understand how this conflicts with in game integrity, since all potiential hosts/players are currently signed/alive here is also beyond me - this guy has been playing for 10 years and he can't spot a simple town parity loss.
Thanks for not spoiling, I still haven't seen it.
I have seen it in its entirety twice. One of the greatest works of art in human history.
Definitely in the top million.
Nice game guys
Looking forward to the self proclaimed best player (highest skill, highest IQ, most mafiauniverse experience) to give the final judgement here after 24 hours of deep thought.
This game right now
It would be weird that he was not shot
Are you trying to convince him that I'm mafia even after my partner already confirmed it?
Just musing. Sorry
With perfect play = no path to town victory
When accounting for human variance = optimal path is to lynch nmagane (The Maimer)